
Commitment to Evidence Based Clinical Research

Some Recent Research Papers Include:

  • Outcome Research in the Treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Duration: 2010-2013. In collaboration with my colleague Professor Gianluca Castelnuovo, Department of Clinical Psychology, Istituto Auxologico Italiano IRCCS, Catholic University of Milan, we have completed (in conjunction with an independent evaluator of our work) a 3-year Outcome study with 62 patients outlining the successful treatment of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder here in Ireland published in The British Medical Journal Open (2016).

Dr. Claudette Portelli

Dr. Claudette is a Clinical Psychologist, psychotherapist and rigorous clinical researcher. Dr. Portelli is a lecturer at Dublin City University in Social, Emotional and Behavioural Pathologies ( and is the director of The OCD Clinic® at Hamrun, Malta.

She is a clinical lecturer at the Strategic Therapy Center’s-Post Graduate School of Psychotherapy where she also works as a clinical trainer and senior researcher associate – for more details click here.

Claudette is a Scientific Member of the Editorial Board of the Brief Strategic and Systemic Therapy European Review and was an original contributor to the evolution of the BST model of Treatment for OCD as well as co-author, with Professor Nardone of the highly acclaimed book “Knowing Through Changing’’.

Claudette is also a research and training associate at the specialist clinic and clinical programme at, LACT, in Paris France (, she has also been a speaker at numerous international conferences and author of numerous scientific articles and is also completing another PhD in the University of Macerata, Italy.

  • (2016) Brief Effective Clinical Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (In Press)

Recent Books & Publications

  • Obsessions compulsions and Manias; Treatment for Obsessive Complusive Disorder (Ponte Alle Grazie Press) with Professor Giorgio Nardone
  • Knowing Through Changing: The Evolution of Brief Strategic Therapy” (2005) Crown House Publishing, UK.
  • COME SMETTERE DI FUMARE – Strategie per liberarsi in tempi brevi dalle dipendenze da fumo Branka Skorjanec Ponte Alle Grazie (2008)